Advertise with Us

Interested in advertising with us? Want to reach an audience of thousands?

Advertise on Our Websites and Radio Stations

We are now offering advertising opportunities on our network of stations and websites. We have multiple spots available on air. We have also designed our websites to allow for home page sponsors, which will be displayed in the right column of our websites. Your 300×300 banners will link to your web page and put our customers in direct contact with you. Once these spots are gone, advertising via banner will be unavailable until a sponsor chooses to stop advertising with us.

We’d love to hear from you!

Fill out your information below and one of our team members will contact you shortly.


We receive thousands of visits each day.
Advertise for your business and be sure to reach your target market.
Competitive pricing options.
Our customers often have flexible spending, making our customer base a relatively high income demographic to target your product.
Our site design assures your banner is seen on every page of our website. From the home page to the checkout process, our customers will see your ad.